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Couverture de Another Life

Another Life

De : Kristin Hannah
Lu par : Susan Ericksen
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    Another Life is a powerful, moving and hopeful story of the life-changing impact of the connections we form, by the bestselling author of The Four Winds and The Women, Kristin Hannah.

    Angie DeSaria has spent years of her life trying to have a child. Now, her marriage has crumbled under the strain. Adrift and alone, she returns to her childhood home, a small coastal town in the Pacific Northwest, to help try and rescue the beloved, failing family business.

    Lauren Ribido is a senior in high school. She dreams of an Ivy League education, escaping her hometown and her troubled mother.

    When Angie hires Lauren to work at the restaurant, they form an immediate bond, which deepens when Lauren’s mother abruptly leaves town and Angie offers her a place to stay. But nothing could have prepared Angie for the far-reaching repercussions of this act of kindness. Together, these two women – one who longs for a child and the other who longs for a mother’s love – will be tested in ways that neither could have imagined.

    'A master storyteller' –Delia Owens, Author of Where the Crawdads Sing

    'Utterly Compelling, Powerful and unforgettable Kristin Hannah is an exquisite storyteller.' – Christy Lefteri, Author of The Beekeeper of Aleppo

    'Compelling. Moving.' – Karen Swan, Author of The Last Summer

    'A rich, compelling novel' – Kate Morton, Author of The Clockmaker's Daughter

    *Published in the US as The Things We Do for Love

    ©2004 Kristin Hannah (P)2004 Brilliance Publishing Inc

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