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Couverture de The Royal Nanny

The Royal Nanny

De : Karen Harper
Lu par : Melanie Crawley
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    Based on a seldom-told true story, this novel is perfect for everyone who is fascinated by Britain’s royal family - a behind the scenes look into the nurseries of little princes and the foibles of big princes.

    April 1897: A young nanny arrives at Sandringham, ancestral estate of the Duke and Duchess of York. She is excited, exhausted - and about to meet royalty....

    So begins the unforgettable story of Charlotte Bill, who would care for a generation of royals as their parents never could. Neither Charlotte - LaLa, as her charges dub her - nor anyone else can predict that eldest sons David and Bertie will each one day be king. LaLa knows only that these children, and the four who swiftly follow, need her steadfast loyalty and unconditional affection.

    But the greatest impact on Charlotte’s life is made by a mere bud on the family tree: a misunderstood soul who will one day be known as the Lost Prince. Young Prince John needs all of Lala’s love - the kind of love his parents won’t...or can’ him.

    From Britain’s old wealth to the glittering excesses of Tsarist Russia; from country cottages to royal yachts, and from nursery to ballroom, Charlotte Bill witnesses history. The Royal Nanny is a seamless blend of fact and fiction - an intensely intimate, yet epic tale spanning decades, continents, and divides that only love can cross.

    ©2016 Karen Harper (P)2020 HarperAudio

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