Meet Nifemi, 23, from London and find out more about life as a business development intern. Part of our Bitesize world of work series.

I always wanted to make an impact on this world.
  • Nifemi knew she wanted a job that made a difference but wasn't sure what she wanted to do
  • Nifemi has found a perfect fit for her skills working as an intern for a small charity that supports the Irish community in London
  • An internship is a temporary placement, which will enable Nifemi to get on-the-job experience and help her decide what she wants to do
  • It's Nifemi's job to find new ways for the London Irish Centre charity to make money so it can continue the important work it does.
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Nifemi's career path
Nifemi's career path
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Nifemi is a business development intern. The experience she gains could give her the opportunity to apply for business development manager roles in the future. Business development managers find new customers, and persuade existing ones to buy extra services.

What to expect if you want to become a business development manager

  • Business development manager average salary: £26,000 to £64,000 per year
  • Business development manager typical working hours: 38 to 40 hours per week. Occasionally, you could work in the evenings.

What qualifications do you need to be a business development manager?

You could get into this role via a university course, a college course, an apprenticeship, working towards the role, applying directly or a graduate training scheme.

Sources: LMI for All, National Careers Service

This information is a guide and is constantly changing. Please check the National Careers Service website for the latest information and all the qualifications needed.

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Work experience can help you make informed decisions about your future career.

Work experience in your area
Find work experience placements with Workfinder.

Tips and advice
Help with interviews, writing a CV and all things work experience related.

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Work experience can help you make informed decisions about your future career.
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