Meet Savannah, 22, from Brixton in south London, to find out more about her life running a dog walking business with her mum. Part of our Bitesize world of work series.

Savannah with a dog.
Don’t be scared about not being good enough. Everybody starts from somewhere.

How would you describe your job?

We walk the dogs every day, no matter what the weather's like. We have three of our own dogs so we take them out as a group.

As well as looking after the dogs, there's lots of 'behind the scenes' stuff when you run a small business. For example, we store information about our clients and their dogs on the computer and have to make sure their information is kept safe. I also help manage everything to do with money coming in and out.

Savannah with two dogs.
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Savannah and her mum have three of their own dogs too.

What skills do you need for your job?

I use maths every day. I have to remember how long a dog has stayed with us and work out what to charge people.

Sometimes if a dog is with us for a long time – maybe because their owner is on holiday – we offer discounts, so I use maths to calculate the correct numbers.

I'm on the computer a lot sending emails, so ICT also helps. I use my English skills when I write emails and talk to the dogs' owners.

Savannah with two dogs.
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Savannah and her mum have three of their own dogs too.

Is this the job you always wanted to do?

No, I wanted to be a vet when I was younger. My mum always wanted to run her own business and I'm glad I can help her, especially with the technology side of things.

It's worked out well because I get to be around dogs all the time which I love.

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Top tips

  • Don’t be scared about not being good enough. Everybody starts from somewhere
  • Practise, practise, practise and it will come – hard work always pays off.
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Savannah is an administrator for her mum’s small business. As well as walking and taking care of other people’s dogs, Savannah is responsible for lots of general administrative tasks.

What to expect if you want to become a business administrator

Other similar job roles are: office administrator, clerical assistant, administrative assistant. Admin assistants give support to businesses by organising meetings, typing documents and updating computer records.

  • Business administrator average salary: £14,000 to £28,000 per year
  • Business administrator typical hours: 38 to 40 hours per week

What qualifications do you need to be a business administrator?

You could get into this role via a college course, an apprenticeship, working towards this role or applying directly.

This information is a guide and is constantly changing. Please check the National Careers Service website for the latest information and all the qualifications needed. (sources: LMI for All, National Careers Service)

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Work experience can help you make informed decisions about your future career.
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