OFSTED has predicted a Poole school could be rated outstanding if it was to be tested today following a positive inspection. 

Ocean Academy in Constitution Hill Road was told it continues to be a good school by inspectors in a recently published report. 

Ahead of an official graded inspection, lead inspector Angela Folland said that the evidence gathered “suggests that the inspection grade might be outstanding if a graded inspection were carried out now”. 

She added: “The school’s motto, ‘No limits. No barriers’, is exactly what pupils experience at Ocean Academy. Pupils achieve exceptionally well. 

“Pupils’ behaviour and their attitudes to their learning are impressive. They work hard in all subjects. 

“They meet the high expectations teachers have, producing work that is of a consistently high quality across the curriculum.” 

Executive principal Jo Quarrie said: “It has been a privilege to work with such dedicated staff and parents.  

“We could not be more proud that the journey we have taken over the last few years, striving for strong outcomes for all our children, has been realised. Our children are an absolute credit to us.” 

Colleen Duggan, who was appointed as principal in January, added: “The report reflects the hard work and commitment of the entire Ocean team and our wonderful pupils.  

“I feel incredibly proud to be the principal of this ambitious school and the team and I look forward to continuing our journey of excellence.” 

The report recognised the school’s “broad and ambitious” curriculum, adding the children “achieve exceptionally well… Results from national tests are significantly above average at key stage 2”. 

The school’s leadership was praised for its development of staff and their delivery of the curriculum. It noted that “skilful sequencing of knowledge ensures pupils learn effectively” and that there is “no ceiling placed on pupils’ progression through the curriculum”. 

Dr Jeffery Quaye OBE, national director of education, standards and quality at Aspirations Academies Trust said: "I am very pleased to see Ocean Academy recognised for the outstanding education the teachers provide, which is reflected in excellent outcomes for all pupils, including the disadvantaged and pupils with SEND.  

“This report is a testament to the strong leadership and high-quality staff who are committed to providing the best education for our pupils."