FIREFIGHTERS tackled a blaze at Upton Heath on Saturday afternoon, July 6.

“Multiple” calls were made to Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service reporting the blaze.

Four appliances from Poole Fire Station were called to a “developing” fire on Upton Heath at around 4pm.

The fire service said: Luckily, due to the quick response times of our crews, the fire only managed to spread to a small area of heathland where crews quickly extinguished the fire using 2x hose reel jets and stuck around to dampen the area in order to confirm there was no chance of the fire restarting itself.”

Firefighters have dealt with a number of heath fires over the past few days including a large blaze at Bourne Valley Nature Reserve.

The fire on July 1 was believed to be deliberate.

Then a few days later on July 4, firefighters faced a heathland blaze in ‘extremely difficult conditions and terrain’ as smoke was seen blowing across the A31.

Fire crews arrived at Cannon Hill Plantation at 5.29pm after reports of the smell of burning and sighting of smoke in a wooded area of Colehill.

Around 100m was involved with multiple firefighters working until around 3am to get the blaze under control.