POOLE rider Tom Brennan played down claims that he used to be a butcher – even if he is making mincemeat of the competition as a Pirate.

Brennan used to work as a meatmonger before focusing his attention on speedway full time.

Summer signing Brennan has quickly proved to be a star turn at Wimborne Road, frequently recording double-digit points hauls.

Currently averaging 8.4 points a meeting, Brennan’s home form is the best amongst Pirates’ septet, the 22-year-old recording an average of 10.5 points for meetings at Wimborne Road.

Last season Brennan starred as Glasgow Tigers lifted the Championship title after a play-off victory over Poole, the Wiltshire-born rider a shock departure over the summer.

Poole quickly moved to snap up Brennan, who has quickly repaid the faith shown in him.

He told the Daily Echo: “I was pretty settled the last three years, so it's a whole new journey for myself and a new challenge, which I'm really grateful for, for Poole putting the trust in me.

“I hope I can go and do a good job for them.

“I feel very, very wanted here, which is something that I've been missing.

“I feel like the team really respect my input and also respect me as a rider, which, automatically puts confidence in my head rather than doubts.

“If you go somewhere where you don't quite feel like you're as strong as where you should be, you then start to have a few doubts that way.

“In my experience, I feel like I feel this is a very good club.

“Everybody's really put me forward and everyone wants my input.

“They want me to help with situations.

“And that only puts good thoughts in my head rather than doubt.

“So for me, it's all looking up now.”

With Brennan solely looking forward, there is little chance to look back as his days as in the butchery – but he feels the experience helped him grow as a person.

He continued:  “I mean, I must clarify, because I actually feel that I'm offending some butchers out there!
“Because I really wasn't a butcher, I was definitely more of a Saturday boy.

“So I was working, six days a week in the winter, two years ago now.

“Since then Speedway has taken over a little bit.

“I've been very fortunate to have a very, very good team around me. Speedway takes up a lot of time even when we're not racing.

“Now, fortunately, and unfortunately, those days (as a butcher) are gone.

“But, it definitely creates you as a person.”