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Commonly Confused Words Vocabulary Quiz, Vol. 2

Question: I’m having some technical issues, please _____ with me.
Answer: When asking for patience, bear is the correct spelling.
Question: The new exhibit at the museum _____ her interest in ancient Egypt.
Answer: Frequently used to describe an arousal of curiosity, pique comes from French piquer, meaning “to prick.”
Question: During her vacation, she went on a _____ tour of Europe.
Answer: Worldwind isn’t a word found in the dictionary, but it is sometimes mistakenly used in place of whirlwind when describing rushed events.
Question: The road construction _____ everyone’s commute.
Answer: Affect is most often used as a verb, whereas effect is frequently used as a noun. (The road construction had an effect on everyone’s commute.)
Question: Bethany’s uncle owns a _____ of land upstate.
Answer: Tract is used to describe areas of land as well as various systems of the body (the digestive tract for example).
Question: Evelyn researched nursing homes to make sure her mom would get the _____ care.
Answer: In this case, utmost means “of the greatest or highest degree, quantity, number, or amount.”
Question: Elena was interrupted by a salesperson who was trying to _____ some cheap trinkets.
Answer: Peddle is used when trying to move a product. Pedal is used when trying to move a bicycle.
Question: The caravan leader thought long about the best _____ to take.
Answer: Coarse is an adjective that often describes rough textures or crude manners. In this case, the noun course, here meaning “the act or action of moving in a path from point to point,” is the better fit.
Question: The kids climbing up the tree were _____ to fall and break their arms.
Answer: Liable means “exposed or subject to some usually adverse contingency or action,” whereas the similar sounding but completely different libel refers to statements intended to harm a person’s reputation.
Question: Eric was sure his speech would _____ cheers from the crowd.
Answer: In this example, elicit means “to call forth or draw out (something, such as information or a response).” Illicit is an adjective referring to something that is “not permitted” or is “unlawful.”
Question: After seeing all the trouble Tony caused, Monica couldn’t wait for him to get his just _____.
Answer: In addition to referring to dry landscapes, desert can also mean “​​deserved reward or punishment.” When used in this way, the word is pronounced similarly to the post-dinner treat dessert.
Question: The flight delay made their discussion of where to have dinner a _____ point.
Answer: Moot comes from an Old English word for a judicial court. Later it came to refer to mock trials that were academic exercises without legal weight. Today moot is often used to mean “deprived of practical significance: made abstract or purely academic.”
Question: The police were on the lookout for any _____.
Answer: A rabble-rouser is “one [who] stirs up the masses of the people (as to hatred or violence).”
Question: The manager told employees that even if they didn’t like the new policy, they were still expected to _____.
Answer: Toe the line means “to conform rigorously to a rule or standard.”
Question: Studio executives gave the director _____ to make the movie she wanted.
Answer: A rein is a strap used to control the movement of an animal such as a horse. Free rein means “unrestricted liberty of action or decision.”
Question: Jason had to ask his neighbor if he could borrow her _____.
Answer: Barrow can be traced back to ​​Old English bearwe, which is related to the Old English beran, meaning “to carry,” and is a root word for bear.
Question: Morgan’s family _____ from Sweden.
Answer: Emigrate stresses the country one leaves, and immigrate stresses the country to which one goes (Morgan’s family immigrated to Norway).
Question: Sawyer was excited to find a _____ in his backyard.
Answer: Although it’s a ferocious carnivore that feeds on live prey, the praying mantis is named for a religious act.
Question: Bruce expected his butler to be at his _____ day or night.
Answer: Beckon and beck are similar in meaning. The verb beckon means “to summon or signal typically with a wave or nod,” and the noun beck refers to that gesture. For this sentence, the noun is appropriate.
Question: The comic book superhero was famed for his many acts of _____.
Answer: Originating from a Middle English phrase meaning “daring to do,” derring-do made its way into modern usage via “a series of mistakes and misunderstandings.”