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Pop Quiz: 19 Things to Know About Christianity

Question: From what religion did Christianity emerge?
Answer: Christianity was born in the Roman Empire in the 1st century AD and emerged from Judaism, which had spread throughout the Roman Empire.
Question: Who are the central figures of the Gospels in the Christian Bible?
Answer: The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John record the detailed accounts of Jesus' ministry, his teachings, and his twelve closest disciples, the Apostles.
Question: What act performed by Jesus at the Last Supper would become one of the central rites of Christianity?
Answer: Jesus shared bread and wine with his Apostles at the Last Supper, an act that would become one of the central rites of Christianity.
Question: According to tradition, who was the first bishop of Rome and later became the pope?
Answer: According to tradition, Peter was the first bishop of Rome, and this bishop would later become the pope.
Question: Who was the first Christian emperor and legalized Christianity within the Roman Empire?
Answer: Constantine was the first Christian emperor, legalizing and promoting Christianity within the Roman Empire.
Question: At which council was the official church teaching concerning the relationship between God the Father and God the Son established?
Answer: Constantine presided over the first ecumenical council, at Nicaea in 325, at which the official church teaching concerning the relationship between God the Father and God the Son was established; although many subsequent councils were needed to clarify this relationship.
Question: According to tradition, which apostle spread Christianity to India?
Answer: Tradition holds that the apostle St. Thomas spread Christianity to India. Although there is little evidence for this, Christians appeared in central and southern Asia by the late 2nd and 3rd centuries.
Question: Which ruler is considered the greatest of the Middle Ages and promoted and defended Christianity?
Answer: Charlemagne, the greatest ruler of the Middle Ages, promoted and defended Christianity, imposing the faith on conquered peoples and making laws to improve the lives and practices of Christians.
Question: In 1054, what event caused the permanent schism that divided Christendom into Western (Roman Catholic) and Eastern (Orthodox) branches?
Answer: In 1054, Pope Leo IX excommunicated the patriarch of Constantinople, Michael Cerularius, and his followers, and the patriarch retaliated with a similar excommunication. The result was a permanent schism that divided Christendom into Western (Roman Catholic) and Eastern (Orthodox) branches.
Question: Who was the main catalyst for the Reformation in the 16th century?
Answer: In the 16th century, the Reformation emerged to further divide the Roman Catholic church, and Martin Luther was the main catalyst for this movement. He sought to discuss the powers of the pope and the teachings of the church with other Christian thinkers but was ordered to stop, leading to his rejection of the church's authority.
Question: Which English king broke from Rome and established the Church of England?
Answer: King Henry VIII broke from Rome and established the Church of England, further dividing the Christian church during the Reformation period.
Question: Who is Juan Diego, and what is his significance in Mexican Christianity?
Answer: Juan Diego was a Mexican native and convert who, according to tradition, was visited by the Virgin Mary in 1531. He commanded that a church be built, which later became the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the chief religious center of Mexico.
Question: Which religious group from England established colonies along the Atlantic seaboard and contributed to the foundation of the United States?
Answer: Protestant missionaries from England, most importantly the Puritans, established colonies along the Atlantic seaboard and laid the foundation for the emergence of the United States.
Question: What impact did the scientific revolution and the Enlightenment have on Christianity?
Answer: The scientific revolution and the Enlightenment changed the way many people understood the world, questioning the basic assumptions of Christianity. This led to a reduction in the church's influence on daily affairs and a separation of church and state.
Question: What was the role of Bartolomé de Las Casas in the spread of Christianity in the Americas?
Answer: Bartolomé de Las Casas was a Spanish-born Dominican missionary who championed the human rights of the native peoples of the Americas. He worked to improve the lives of the natives under Spanish rule and to spread Christianity in the region.
Question: What do most Christians recognize Jesus as?
Answer: Most Christians recognize Jesus as the son of God and accept the doctrine of the Trinity, which includes the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead.
Question: Which Christian holiday celebrates the birth of Jesus?
Answer: Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus and is celebrated on December 25 (Roman Catholics and Protestants) or January 6 (Eastern Orthodox).
Question: What is the purpose of Lent?
Answer: Lent is a 40-day period of fasting and sacrifice observed by Roman Catholics and other Christians in memory of Jesus' fasting and sacrifice before his crucifixion.
Question: What is the significance of Advent in Christianity?
Answer: Advent is the season preceding Christmas that celebrates the coming of the commemoration of the birth of Jesus.