A 41-year-old man, his partner and her dad all ended up fighting after drinking together in Cowdenbeath.

As a result, Darren McMurray, of Chapel Street, Lochgelly, appeared at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.

He admitted that on October 27 in George Street, Cowdenbeath, he engaged in a fight with his partner and a male.

He later breached bail undertaking conditions by contacting the woman via texts and leaving voicemails on her phone.

Depute fiscal Catherine Stevenson said the couple had been consuming alcohol along with the woman’s father.

An argument began between the couple and an altercation broke out with the dad becoming involved as well.

The police were called to the house and McMurray was arrested. He later sent a message to her saying he loved her.

He also stated: “F*** it, if I get the jail, I get the jail.”

Defence solicitor Alan Davie said: “He’s not as sanguine about getting the jail when I spoke to him earlier.”

He added: “This was a rammy between him, his partner and her father. The relationship is now over.”

Sheriff Allan Findlay imposed a five-month restriction of liberty order and a non-harassment order lasting a year.