A 24-year-old man, who has breached two court orders, has been warned options are running out for him.

Oliver Yeaman appeared from custody at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.

He attacked his partner then assaulted her mum in an “atrocious” incident.

Yeaman also subjected his partner to two-and-a-half years of domestic abuse.

He was put on community payback orders with unpaid work but breached them.

Sheriff Susan Duff warned Yeaman: “The court is running out of options.”

She called for reports and granted bail. Sentence was deferred until July 3. 

Yeaman’s current address cannot be published because of a court restriction.

He previously admitted that between November 1, 2019 and July 31, 2022, at addresses in Cowdenbeath, Cardenden, Lochgelly and elsewhere in Fife, he engaged in an abusive course of conduct towards his partner.

He repeatedly kicked a front door, damaging it, repeatedly seized her by the neck, restricting her breathing, pushed her, shouted, swore and made threats of violence.

On July 29, 2022 at Main Street, Lochgelly, he assaulted his partner’s mum by elbowing her to the body and striking her to the face.

On July 30, 2022 at Henderson Street, Lochgelly, he struck a car with a crowbar causing the windscreen to smash.

At a previous hearing, defence solicitor Calum Harris said: “He’s clearly acted in an atrocious manner here.”

At another hearing, Sheriff Andrew Berry told Yeaman: “There’s a possibility, I think, that you’re a very dangerous individual. You blame the victims like other domestic abusers do.”