SPARTANBURG, S.C. (WSPA) – Fourth of July is a week away, and families across the nation are getting ready to celebrate with fireworks.

As families shop around for exciting and vibrant fireworks, retailers are expressing the need to take safety precautions.

“I always recommend if your shooting something that goes in the sky put a couple brick on the side of it or something that makes it not tip over,” owner and operator of TNT Stand, Rick Theobald, said. “People tend to have a few adult beverages, light fireworks and get sloppy feet when they’re running back, it can kick over. You want it to shoot into the sky like its suppose to, not into the crowd or not into your neighbors house.”

The National Safety Council advises firework users to take precaution, using eyewear, aim upwards in a clear area, never under the influence and to have parental supervision.