In Person

Doing Business in Ukraine 2024 Conference: Building Ukraine’s Security through a Modernized Economy

September 25, 2024 • 8:00 am – 5:00 pm EDT

​​​​The Center for Strategic & International Studies is pleased to announce its second Doing Business in Ukraine conference “Building Ukraine’s Security Through a Modernized Economy.”

The conference will convene Ukrainian leaders from both the private sector and municipal administrations, alongside representatives from multinational corporations, the Biden Administration, and the U.S. Congress to discuss business and trade opportunities and challenges with the U.S. and G-7 allies.

This second edition of the conference aims to catalyze the reconstruction and modernization of Ukraine through focused discussions on different sectors that are essential for the nation's economic recovery.

The conference will be informed by the work of the CSIS Ukraine Economic Reconstruction Commission

The conference currently consists of the following events: 

  • Opening conversation with Congressional members

    This opening conversation with members of Congress will launch the conference.

  • Plenary Panel I: Defense & security

    The panel discussion will delve into the need to strengthen Ukraine's defense industry, underscoring the importance of security and safety for the country’s reconstruction and the attraction of investment.

  • Breakout session on energy

    The panel discussion will address the extensive damage sustained by Ukraine's energy infrastructure and the critical path towards its reconstruction, diversification and decentralization. 

  • Breakout session on construction 

    This panel discussion will address the pressing need not only to rebuild but to innovate and enhance Ukraine’s social and industrial infrastructure with advanced technologies.

  • Plenary Panel II: Mayors and the private sector

    The panel discussion will focus on the crucial role that local self-governance plays in the reconstruction of Ukraine. Featuring mayors from various Ukrainian cities, this session will explore how municipalities are actively participating in the nation’s rebuilding efforts and their pivotal role in Ukraine's aspiration to join the European Union.

  • Breakout session on Ukraine’s workforce and human capital

    The discussion will address the critical challenges and strategies required to revitalize Ukraine’s labor force and human capital after the war.


More details to follow. Please visit this webpage for the latest updates. 

Questions? Please contact UkraineBusinessConference@csis.org

Ukrainian Version 

Центр Стратегічних та Міжнародних Досліджень (CSIS) запрошує на конференцію "Розбудова безпеки України через модернізовану економіку".  Конференція обє'днає лідерів приватного сектору та транснаціональних корпорацій, представників місцевої влади в Україні та адміністрації Байдена та Конгресу США для обговорення можливостей для бізнесу та торгівлі зі США та союзниками з G-7.

Конференція має на меті обговорення шляхів прискорення реконструкції та відновлення України через секторальні ініціативи та розбудову безпеки в країні.

Конференція проходить в межах роботи Комісії з економічної реконструкції України Центру Стратегічних та Міжнародних Досліджень.

Для реєстрації заповніть цю форму.

Ми готові відповісти на будь-які ваші питання: UkraineBusinessConference@csis.org

This event is made possible through general support to CSIS.


Contact Information

Daniel F. Runde
Senior Vice President; William A. Schreyer Chair; Director, Project on Prosperity and Development
Romina Bandura
Senior Fellow, Project on Prosperity and Development, Project on U.S. Leadership in Development
Ilya Timtchenko

Ilya Timtchenko

Former Program Manager and Research Associate, Project on Prosperity and Development
September 25, 2024 • 8:00 am – 5:00 pm EDT
Doing Business in Ukraine 2024 Conference: Building Ukraine’s Security through a Modernized Economy