A Dorset father dying of brain cancer is climbing Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) to help future generations.

Father of four Andy Hampton, 54, will be ticking off a bucket list item on Saturday, July 6, when he scales the 1,085-metre peak in Wales, just 14 months after being diagnosed with a gliobastoma (GBM).

On the climb, Andy will be raising money and awareness for Brain Tumour Research

Mr Hampton said: “This will be my first time tackling the mountain since my diagnosis.

"It will be harder than ever before, but I’m ready to push myself to the limit to fight this disease.

"I’ve always dreamed of having a full English breakfast at the summit with the sun going up, so I just have to go back.”

Andy's family will be joining him on the walkAndy's family will be joining him on the walk (Image: Andy Hampton)

Andy, an experienced hiker and marathon runner, will be battling more than just the incline on the challenge.

As a result of the tumour being on Andy’s optical nerve, his eyesight is now severely impaired, whilst invasive radiotherapy has damaged his hearing.

Andy’s wife Gemma said “life has returned to his eyes” following initial debulking surgery and months of treatment.

Gemma said: “It’s been over a year since Andy was diagnosed, and we’re one of the lucky ones.

"He was initially given a prognosis of 12 to 18 months, but Andy is a fighter, and he is feeling more like his old self after coming off chemotherapy.

"The thing with Andy is he probably doesn’t have the energy for this challenge, but he always finds a way.”

The staples in Andy's head being removedThe staples in Andy's head being removed (Image: Andy Hampton)

The summit climb will be the third time the family have supported Brain Tumour Research since Andy was diagnosed, after they were left stunned by the “barbaric” treatment that brain cancer patients are forced to endure.

Gemma said: “We didn’t know anything about brain tumours before the diagnosis.

Andy and Gemma on their wedding day with baby Isabelle in July 2020Andy and Gemma on their wedding day with baby Isabelle in July 2020 (Image: Andy Hampton)

"Until it affects you, you just don’t realise how underfunded research is, and how brutal the treatments are.

"I remember watching Andy as he was strapped to his hospital bed and had his brain zapped with radiotherapy. It’s shocking.

“When we first took Andy to hospital, there was not a single leaflet to be found on brain tumours.

Andy holding baby Henley months before his diagnosisAndy holding baby Henley months before his diagnosis (Image: Andy Hampton) Andy holding his childrenAndy holding his children (Image: Andy Hampton)

"We are so conditioned to look out for breast cancer, lung cancer, and so on, but are never made aware of the signs of brain cancer.

“We had a brain tumour staring us in the face the whole time and we didn’t pick up on it.”

Isabelle and Andy last day of radiotherapy treatmentIsabelle and Andy last day of radiotherapy treatment (Image: Andy Hampton)

Andy, from Sturminster Newton, will be joined by four-year-old daughter Isabelle on the climb.

He added: “The fact remains that this disease affects children more than adults. I know it’s too late for me, but I can’t leave a world where children are made to suffer like this. Something needs to be done.”

Support Andy’s fundraiser by making a donation at: www.justgiving.com/page/gemma-hampton-1715798453002