A man from east Suffolk has been told by magistrates to pay out more than £800 after he was caught using a train and not having a valid ticket.

John Linney, 41, of Bramfield Road, Halesworth, was caught failing to pay for his fare twice last year in July and has now been ordered to pay £806.40.

On July 18, Linney travelled on a train from Lowestoft to Halesworth without having paid his fare.

For this offence he was fined £220, charged £7.70 in compensation, ordered to pay further costs of £175 and a surcharge of £176 to fund victim services was also added.

Three days later, on July 21 last year, he was caught again travelling from Oulton Broad South to Halesworth.

For this offence, he was fined £220 and charged £7.70 for compensation.

Linney was found guilty of two offences of travelling on a railway without paying a fare at St Albans Magistrates' Court. 

A collection order was made for the sums.