A factory worker was found dead on Christmas Day after turning to alcohol for the first time in four years, an inquest has heard.

Karoly Nagy, 49, was discovered unresponsive in his Great Yarmouth home on December 25  by his brother Sandor.

An inquest into his death heard that Ukraine-born Mr Nagy had recently started drinking for the first time in years following the breakdown of a relationship.

Norfolk Coroner's Court heard Mr Nagy, who worked for Cranswick Country Foods, had last seen his brother on Christmas Eve, who said he was "tipsy" but not to a point that caused him any concern.

But the following day, when he went to visit, he found his brother unresponsive and could not rouse him.

A police investigation read to the court said Sandor Nagy had told officers his brother had broken up with a girlfriend a few weeks prior to his death and had started drinking heavily - having been abstinent since suffering an alcohol-related health condition in 2019.

Senior coroner Jacqueline Lake concluded Mr Nagy had died an alcohol-related death.