
Image - A fortified monastery in Mezhyrich, Rivne oblast. Image - An ancient outdoor oven near the fortified monastery in Mezhyrich, Rivne oblast.

Mezhyrich [Mežyrič] (aka Mezhyrichchia). Map III-7. A village (2001 pop 1,490) at the junction of the Zbytynky and the Viliia rivers in Ostroh raion, Rivne oblast. It is first mentioned in a historical document in 1396. In the 15th century the Ostrozky family built a fortified monastery and the Church of the Holy Trinity there. By 1605 the town had the rights of Magdeburg law. In 1609 Prince Kostiantyn Vasyl Ostrozky's grandson granted the church and monastery to the Franciscan order. The church and the towers of the monastery have been preserved. Archeologists have discovered a settlement from the Bronze Age and a fortified settlement from the time of Kyivan Rus’ near the village.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

Image - The Holy Trinity Church within the fortified monastery in Mezhyrich, Rivne oblast. Image - Ruins of the Zaslav Gate in mezhyrich, Rivne oblast. Image - A fortified monastery in Mezhyrich, Rivne oblast. Image - A fortified monastery in Mezhyrich, Rivne oblast. Image - The Holy Trinity Church within the fortified monastery in Mezhyrich, Rivne oblast.

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