Data science and artificial intelligence (AI)

In a rapidly changing world, data science and artificial intelligence driven technologies are critical to transforming the economy and addressing the challenges that society faces from the climate and biodiversity emergencies to ageing populations and food, energy and security.

We are at the forefront of developing innovative approaches to the use of data and AI in modern society. Our experts cover the entire spectrum, from data collection and analysis, to interpretation, visualisation and communication, working with key partners such as the Alan Turing Institute, whilst also considering their social and ethical implications.

We bring together researchers with local, national and industry partners - such as the Alan Turing Institute, IBM, Dstl and the Met Office - to tackle challenges presented by novel and complex data sets. Working with us helps transform how our partner organisations ,are utilising data science and AI to meet their goals and keep pace with advances in digital technologies.  

Exeter Innovation in numbers


Member of the Alan Turing Institute, the UK’s national institute for Data Science and AI, and home to 37 Turing Fellows.  

Environmental Intelligence

Founded the flagship Joint Centre for Excellence in Environmental Intelligence with Met Office, applying world-leading data science and AI to sustainability challenges. 

South West Institute of Technology

Part of the South West Institute of Tecnology delivering high level skills in data science and AI, from undergraduate and postgraduate courses to degree apprenticeships with industry.  

We are leading the way to a sustainable future through application of data science and artificial intelligence (AI) to environmental challenges. Harnessing this ‘Environmental Intelligence’, in partnership with organisations across different sectors from industry to government such as IBM, the Met Office and the UK Hydrographic Office, is providing meaningful insights and creating new solutions that are having a positive impact on the planet.

Together with the Met Office we founded the flagship Joint Centre for Excellence in Environmental Intelligence,  which is pioneering the development of solutions to some of the world’s most complex and pressing environmental challenges, from climate change and biodiversity loss to global pandemics.


Dr Tom Nicholson

Our leading the way in cutting edge health analytics, utilises innovative quantitative methods to understand complex biological and biomedical systems and deliver new solutions in health, medicine, computation, mathematics and statistics, underpinned by data ethics and governance.

Our aim is to tackle current health challenges including infections, dementia, diabetes, as well as neurological and mental health illnesses, working closely with industry, public organisations and the third sector.


Ulrike Richards,
Impact and Partnership Development Manager – Human Centric AI

Our Digital Societies initiative is home to leading experts who can critique, challenge and inform the development of digital technologies and services in collaboration with organisations, industry and government.  

We deliver both theoretical and applied approaches, methodologies and solutions that address challenges brought about by the digitalisation of societies in the fields of data justice, ethics and governance, as well as education and policy.

The overarching aim is to embed the notions of inclusion, equality, participation and social justice in the development and evaluation of digital technologies and emerging regulations.


Ulrike Richards,
Impact and Partnership Development Manager – Human Centric AI 

Our experts are developing new mathematical and statistical approaches which integrate complex numerical simulations of engineering systems with rich industrial datasets.

We have experts who can apply these new mathematical tools to commercial and societal challenges, providing high performance digital solutions for our industrial partners.  

For example, our expertise in ‘uncertainty quantification’ can provide rapid calculations to  to support real-time engineering decision making, making both scientific and industrial impact across high value manufacturing, aviation and construction sectors.


Dr Isabel Gonzalez,
Head of Data, Engineering and Physical Sciences