
Frequently asked questions

All requests for translation or adaptation rights should be done through the online Licence Request form or directed to [email protected].

Many FAO publications carry a recommended citation. Some web pages and tools include a Cite button, which will generate an automatic citation. Alternatively, follow the recommended formats for publications and e-products and databases/datasets.

It is sufficient to quote accurately and ensure appropriate acknowledgement of FAO as the source and copyright holder. FAO's endorsement of opinions, products or services must not be stated or implied in any way.

FAO does not accept unsolicited material or manuscripts for publication. All FAO publications, including co-publications, derive from its official work programme. (Material submitted in response to “ calls for papers” and FAO journal submission requests are not considered unsolicited material.)

Yes, FAO applies a discount system, offering publications at affordable prices to users in developing countries. Please contact [email protected] for more information.

FAO Publications can be ordered by writing to [email protected]. Alternatively, you can order your copy from an FAO book agent in your country or contact FAO Official Distributors.

FAO promotes the broadest possible access to its information and aims to produce publications in the FAO languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish and Russian) required to reach target audiences effectively. To find out whether a publication is available in your language of choice, go to the publication preview page and look for language option at the bottom of the page.

Material contained in this section include meeting documentation and reports from FAO’s governing bodies and other official meetings. These documents can be downloaded directly from the FAO Document Repository or from the FAO Governing Bodies website.

All requests for republication or distribution of FAO content or whole publications should be done through the Licence Request form or directed to [email protected]

Online assistance is provided to researchers from several institutions. In-person assistance has been restored in 2022 but, currently, there is a waiting list. Researchers interested in consulting the Archives should write to [email protected], specifying the desired subject or reference.

Many FAO Library resources are digital and can be accessed from, such as the library, the e-journal and e-book packages by publisher and all the subscription databases for bibliographic searches (for FAO staff only). For more information on access, visit this page, To consult hard copy material, visit the FAO Library in person or contact [email protected]

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E-books are available for download on the publication preview pages on FAO’s website. They are also available for free on Smashwords, iBooks, Barnes & Noble and Kobo, as well as on Amazon for a minimal price.