Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

16 October 2024

World Food Day

Come to explore the Global Library of Trees and Flowers - FAO Park

Rome (Italy), 24/04/2024

Step into the immersive world of the Global Library of Trees and FlowersFAO Park at Villa Pamphilj, Rome.  

Come to explore and connect with nature and let the wonders of nature inspire you to preserve our planet's green heritage. Discover the captivating beauty of FAO Park through the FAO Park web app, by scanning the QR Code provided on site, allowing you to embark on a virtual journey through seven distinct regions representing diverse landscapes from around the globe. You will delve into the rich biodiversity of Africa, Asia, Europe, the Pacific region, Near East, and North America, all within the heart of Rome.  

Whether you're an individual seeking solace in nature, a family in search of an educational adventure, or a student eager to deepen your understanding of global ecosystems, the FAO Park web app offers an enriching experience for everyone. 

Download the FAO Park web app, and let nature be your guide as you embark on a journey of exploration and discovery. Together, let's forge a deeper connection with the natural world and work towards a sustainable future for generations to come.