A residents’ group has express concerned about Farnham becoming a “socially cleansed” town that’s only inhabited by the wealthy ahead of its annual meeting.

Concerns about future development will be one of the big talking points when the North West Farnham Residents Association hold their AGM in St Francis Church Hall next Tuesday, July 2.

The 8pm event will include a summary of the NWFRA’s activities over the last year and an open forum featuring councillors Graham White and David Beaman.

Housing will be a hot topic with land above the new Abbey View estate off Crondall Lane being eyed up for development even though it’s outside the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan boundary.

The Coxbridge Farm development is also on a greenfield site with concerns about the impact of both potential developments on sewerage, flooding, traffic and school places.

The group have called for development to be contained to brownfield sites or low-quality greenfield areas, especially as most new housing is likely to be beyond younger budgets.

“Our young people cannot afford these new homes, or the rental properties available, especially as little or no social housing is being built,” said an NWFRA spokesperson.

“Farnham is increasingly in danger of being socially cleansed and becoming a town only for the wealthy, unless you are fortunate enough to have parents who can afford to help.

“Housing priorities should be for local families first and foremost, not predatory developers making huge profits.”

For more details about the group and the meeting visit www.nwfarnham.org.uk.