Motorists have been urged not to leave bags or valuables in their cars following a spate of break-ins at rural car parks around East Hampshire.

Hampshire Police have reissued crime prevention advice as at least eight vehicles were targeted by car criminals during the fortnight after Wednesday, June 12.

All the break-ins have taken place in broad daylight in secluded areas or beauty spots with areas including Farnham Road in Liss and Hurland Lane in Headley.

Incidents have also taken place at the Forest Road car park in Liss Forest and the Knockhundred Lane and Roe Rowns Road sites in Bramshott Common and Medstead, respectively.

There seems to be a common link as the culprits have either smashed windows or taken advantage of poor security to steal cash and bags left on display.

“Most offences of theft from vehicles are opportunist,” said a spokesperson for East Hampshire police.

“If valuable possessions such as handbags, laptops, mobile phones are left on show inside a vehicle, it is much more likely to be targeted by thieves.

“Even items of little value, such as shopping bags and clothing, may tempt a potential thief to break into the vehicle to see whether they contain anything worth stealing.

“As we head into the summer months, we know more people will be leaving their vehicles at local beauty spots to go and enjoy the scenery, which is why we want to remind you to remove valuables from your vehicle and lock it.”

Motorists are encouraged to physically check that doors and windows are locked, especially when a remote fob has been used, and look inside to ensure nothing has been left behind.

Unnecessary items of value should be left at home while drivers are advised park in sign-posted areas and should be cautious about leaving their vehicles in isolated spots.