Welcome to the Finnish Literature Society

News and topics

20.5.2024 - News

New book explores the diverse linguistic landscapes of European cities

11.4.2024 - News

The European Commission has awarded the Kalevala with the European Heritage Label

22.2.2024 - News

A new comprehensive volume on current international trends in genetic criticism

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We provide a multitude of online resources at your disposal. Here are some of the most delightful highlights. Find your own favorite among the materials.


Yli 6 500 pienoiselämäkertaa, tunnettuja ja tuntemattomia suomalaisia sukuja.

SKS:n Finna

Portti valtavaan määrään SKS:n aineistoa, jota pääsee etsimään monipuolisilla hakutoiminnoilla.


Tietoa, kuvia, videoita ja tehtäviä suomalaisten vuotuisjuhlien vietosta ennen ja nyt. Helposti lähestyttävä myös suomen kieltä harjoitteleville.

Did you know this on SKS?

The word "kirjallisuus" was coined in 1831 for the name of SKS

How can we help?


Do you need help with searching for information or finding materials about folklore, oral history, Finnish literature or cultural history?

Ask SKS is an information service which is run jointly by the archive and the library. You will get the best answer when you formulate your questions clearly and tell what purpose you are looking for information and what materials you have already found.

As a rule, our information service is free of charge.

You will receive a response to the e-mail address you provided within approximately one week.

Get to know SKS

SKS is a unique network of humanistic expertise and activities

The aim of the Finnish Literature Society is to conduct and promote research and awareness of Finnish culture and cultural heritage. We work for enlightenment, cultural self-understanding, and dialogue. We are committed to increasing understanding based on scientific knowledge and deepening knowledge of the diversity of cultural phenomena.

Opening hours

Week 27

Monday 1.7. Closed
Tuesday 2.7. Closed
Wednesday 3.7. Closed
Thursday 4.7. Closed
Friday 5.7. Closed
Saturday 6.7. Closed
Sunday 7.7. Closed

On the eves of holidays, SKS closes at 4 PM.

On holidays and weekends, SKS is closed.

Exceptions to the opening hours:
8 May and 1–30 Jun open 10–16
1–31 Jul closed
1–31 Aug open 10–16