• JoinedOctober 2007
  • Occupationretired
  • HometownBrooklyn N.Y.
  • Current cityBoynton Beach, Florida
  • CountryU.S.A.
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Photos of Bill Kominsky


Write a testimonial

Bill has a rare talent for capturing his birds in such a lifelike setting for the rest of us to admire, and yes to envy, I count it a privilage to have Bill for a flickr friend . Thanks for your comments and keep posting your beautifull bird photos. Roy

April 15, 2011

I agree with the others, billkominsky has great photographs! Plus he is very talented which includes a tremendous amount of patients.

August 4, 2008
WebCat99 says:

Bill's love of all nature, both great and small, shows through in his photography. And he captures it so beautifully. His photos are nature in great detail, great action, and great love. He's a pretty nice guy too.

January 3, 2010

Bill is a talented nature photographer and his captures of birds are extra ordinarily good. He is such an excellent and versatile photographer. He makes everything look so beautiful and neat. Keep it up my friend! Thanks for sharing your artwork with us. God Bless Bill.

June 12, 2010
Cheryl says:

Bill is a very talented photographer as well as a very kindhearted person. I enjoy his photos very much. I appreciate his advice and help on improving my photos. Keep up the great work Bill. I am so happy to call you friend.

April 13, 2008

I think I've known Bill since he came into flickr and I think his bird photography is right up there with best. If you haven't looked at his work yet may I suggest that you do. I can assure you that you won't be sorry. Keep up the great work Bill.

December 4, 2007