:) Helder Lopes. Get yours at bighugelabs.com


My name is Helder, living in Portugal, in the city of Torres Vedras, about 40 kilometers from its capital Lisbon.

I'm an amateur photographer who likes photography.

I'm a nurse by profession in Lisbon, in the cardiac surgery operating room

I like to travel, to save images of the best moments and places where I pass. But still little experienced.


Flickr's best photographer


I like to be able to see the best you have to show through photography.

Thanks for the visit

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  • JoinedJune 2017
  • OccupationNurse in the cardiac surgery operating room
  • HometownMacedo de Cavaleiros
  • Current cityTorres Vedras
  • CountryPortugal
  • Emailheldermflopes@gmail.com


Write a testimonial

Hello Helder ! I discover a superb gallery, very varied, rich in colors and lights, your macros are sublime ! You are too modest when you talk about your "little" experience, your work is magnificent ! I dream of doing as well (but I have to choose more advanced equipment and practice a little more) Photography is a go… Read more

Hello Helder ! I discover a superb gallery, very varied, rich in colors and lights, your macros are sublime ! You are too modest when you talk about your "little" experience, your work is magnificent ! I dream of doing as well (but I have to choose more advanced equipment and practice a little more) Photography is a good decompression exercise when you have a professional activity like yours... (I am a former nurse, 38 years in psychiatry, we are under constant pressure whatever our service). Thank you for stopping by my gallery !

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November 7, 2022

Helder has a beautiful and creative gallery with impressive photos that I really like! I look forward to many more beautiful photos of you and the exchange, dear friend!

January 26, 2022

Hola, gracias por compartir tus magníficas fotos, las aprecio enormemente y siempre aprendo algo. Felicidades por tu galería, es todo un placer pasar un buen rato y aprender de tu mirada detrás de la lente, me alegro haberte descubierto. "Cada experiencia es una historia que contar, y cada historia se puede reflejar en… Read more

Hola, gracias por compartir tus magníficas fotos, las aprecio enormemente y siempre aprendo algo. Felicidades por tu galería, es todo un placer pasar un buen rato y aprender de tu mirada detrás de la lente, me alegro haberte descubierto. "Cada experiencia es una historia que contar, y cada historia se puede reflejar en una fotografía". Yo soy feliz de poder compartir mis fotografías, con otras personas con la misma afición y gustos fotográficos….Hasta una próxima……Saludos.

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September 18, 2021

Helder your photostream is full of wonderful detailed images, all with great detail which makes it a pleasure to view, keep up the good work.

August 28, 2020

A wonderful & varied photostream, each image crafted to a high standard.

June 16, 2020