Hello world.


I'm a long-time photography enthusiast. My interest first started back in mid 1980's, in the old dark[-room] ages. I rediscovered this hobby about a year ago, this time enhanced with digital technology.

In photography consider me an amateur - in the original latin-based meaning of the word: someone who just loves doing something ...in this case taking snapshots of things that come my way.


Things I like seeing in photography:

Athmosphere, mood, photographer's personality, using photography as a media of teaching people how to observe their environment in a different way, impression, expression, illumination, paintingness, zen, the art of existing, silence, more than meets the eye, forgetting that I'm looking at a picture on a computer screen, references to Art, single moment living for thousand years, visions from the world where the time hasn't started yet ...

By no means I'd be claiming that any of my pics fills these standards ...


Block me out if I ever start posting:

close-ups of flowers, close-ups of waterdrops, still-life with colourful crayons, 'I ate this'-pics, restaurant menus, 'wedding-rings on the Bible with a heart-shaped shadow'-shots, my own shadow, hdr with dirty grey clouds, miniature tilt-shift absolutely never !,technical that looks technical. Funny trafic signs, missparked vehicles, Uutislehti 100:n kännykkäkuvat väärin pysäköidyistä ajoneuvoista !

Swans ! Does everybody have to take pics and upload those every time there's a swan? I think we all already know what a swan looks like !


Generally speaking: why do I shoot photos? Do I think I might be some kind of artist? No. To bug you? Well, maybe. Because I'm able? Yes?

Seriously, I really donno ... you decide ...



Groups I've started:

Nighttime Churches


Corrected Perspective




My languages:

Suomi – äidinkieli

Svenska – har jag hört talats hela mitt liv...

English – can't avoid it nowadays, can you?

Français – un peu, mais il y a quelques annees que J'ai l'etudié ...

Español – un poco tambien

... e vorrei studiare la lingua Italiana


year of birth: MCMLXVIII


Pixelero ... my other Flickr account with a more digital approach ...



Statr for Flickr daily graph




Occasionally my pictures in Explore:

Leskinen Petri Leskinen Petri


I'm no globetrotter, just the Europe:

create your personalized map of europe


petri [dot] leskinen [ät] icloud [dot] com

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Photos of Petri Leskinen


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