All Images Are Copyright Paul Sisul, All Rights Reserved

You may not use on social media or in any way

Paul's Gear

Canon EOS R5

Canon EOS 5D mark IV

Canon EOS 6D

Canon EF 24mm f 1.4 L II USM

Canon EF 24-105mm f4 L IS II USM

Canon EF 11-24mm f4 L USM

Canon EF 100-400mm f4.5 5.6 L IS II USM

Gitzo tripods and ball heads

Lowepro camera backpacks

  • JoinedOctober 2022
  • HometownNewport Oregon
  • Current citySeattle Washington
  • CountryUSA


Write a testimonial

An awesome and inspirational photostream - thanks for sharing such excellent work

January 20, 2023

The only thing I can say I wish this stream had is...more photos. Your work is truly amazing and only leaves the viewer looking for more "next" buttons. Unique and clearly crafted with intent and determination. God bless.

December 30, 2022

Exquisite gallery and truly a pleasure to view! Your photos are masterpieces that leave your viewers in awe and are very mesmerizing. I'm so glad our paths crossed here on Flickr. Congratulations on your wonderful creations!

December 8, 2022

Beautiful images! I could "fav" them all.

November 27, 2022

you have a very nice page, thanks for sharing your work

November 27, 2022

Paul , you not only have an amazing eye, your photography is absolutely beautiful art, just joyful to view! Every image a unique and wonderful view of the world. Thanks for sharing with us!

November 25, 2022

What a wonderful gallery! There is a lot of poesy in your pictures. You have a great talent, thanks for sharing

November 24, 2022

splendida selezione di immagini

November 23, 2022

*-* Good-morning Paul. I am very admiring in front of the quality and the beauty of the photos which you propose to us in your gallery. "Masterclass" "masterpiece" would be the words that come to mind. Each of your photos is a photography lesson. There is technical mastery, there is the choice of subjects. There is cre… Read more

*-* Good-morning Paul. I am very admiring in front of the quality and the beauty of the photos which you propose to us in your gallery. "Masterclass" "masterpiece" would be the words that come to mind. Each of your photos is a photography lesson. There is technical mastery, there is the choice of subjects. There is creativity, the very personal touch, the search for Beauty. Poetry, delicacy, romanticism, imagination. Remember that most of your photos, enlarged to giant, large-format, poster-style, would decorate an entire room. Warm congratulations and encouragement! And excellent continuation. Take advantage of winter to Create! Yves from France. (Google translation) *-* Bonjour Paul. Je suis très admiratif devant la qualité et la beauté des photos que vous nous proposez dans votre galerie. "Masterclass" "chef d'œuvre" seraient les mot qui me viennent à l'esprit. Chacune de vos photos est une leçon de photographie. Il y a la maitrise technique, Il y a le choix des sujets. Il y a la créativité, la touche très personnel, la recherche de la Beauté. La poésie, la délicatesse, le romantisme, l'imagination. Souvenez-vous que la plupart de vos photos, agrandies en format géant, grand format, de type poster, décoreraient toute une pièce. Chaleureuse félicitation et encouragement! Et excellente continuation. Profitez de l'hiver pour Créez! Créez! Créez! Yves de France. (Traduction Google)

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November 20, 2022

Thank you for sharing. I love how you see the motifs, light and colors

November 19, 2022
roTokyo says:

Thank you for sharing your great portfolio!

November 7, 2022

Superbe Galerie ! Votre site internet est également Magnifique ! Bravo Paul !

November 7, 2022