Welcome to my Flickr image collection specialising in photographs of plants and other living things from around the world. Close-up studies of lesser-known groups such as the mosses, fungi and lichens feature highly, many images having been produced via focus-stacking techniques. And don't forget to visit my website: Green Light Images.


Should you be interested in using any of my photos, please email me here on Flickr, or at


About my photography

I've been interested in plant life (and fungi) from childhood. I like the aesthetics of plants and fungi, as well as the more technical biological aspects of their study, especially taxonomy and cladistics, and the light the latter studies shed on the path of evolution. Flickr and photography combined is a great way to share these passions with the relatively small number of kindred spirits out there


My groups

There's a number of Flickr groups dedicated to holding species in particular angiosperm families. In addition to joining those already in existence, I have created further flowering plant family groups so that most of the major families are now represented.


The angiosperm family groups I maintain are:


Acanthaceae (Acanthus Family)

Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) (Carrot Family)

Bignoniaceae (Trumper Creeper Family)

Boraginaceae (Borage Family)

Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) (Cabbage Family)

Campanulaceae (Bellflower Family)

Commelinaceae (Spiderwort Family)

Piperaceae (Peperomias and Black Pepper)

Poaceae (Gramineae) and allies (Grasses, Sedges and Rushes)

Saxifragaceae (Saxifrage Family)


Living in Scotland and with an interest in many plant groups, I also felt the need to create the group Flora of Scotland for photographs of both flowering and non-flowering plants found natively or naturalised in Scotland.


Ghana is a country I have close ties with and so I've set up a group called

West African Plants. In order to cast a net wide enough to get a reasonable number of contributions to this group, I've defined it as being for native and wild plants from any West African country. However, it does seem to be a part of the world with few botanical photographers on the ground.


stephenbuchan - View my most interesting photos on Flickriver


My other interests (when I'm not on Flickr!) include travel and photography generally, and so there's more on my photostream than plants and fungi!


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  • JoinedApril 2006
  • OccupationBotanical photographer
  • HometownEdinburgh
  • Current cityEdinburgh
  • CountryScotland
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Photos of Stephen Buchan


Write a testimonial

Technically outstanding, visually exciting, artistically satisfying, and over-the-top wonderful! I thoroughly enjoy seeing your work and always look forward to what's next! Keep up the great work!

November 18, 2014

Hi Stephen. You really do make some every day object's look fascinating. It's not all about big animals, the small stuff is just as dramatic. Dirk.

July 22, 2007