Past events


DPC Annual Members Unconference (Europe)

Meeting other digital preservation experts in Dublin.



Coming together to discuss relations between GLAM, the open ecosystem and AI.


IIPC General Assembly & Web Archiving Conference

Catching up with the people who preserve the web


XRchiving, London

XRchiving gathers practitioners in archiving, data, heritage, urban design and immersive experiences


Social Impact Summit

Read up on our recent 'How to write a 100-year plan' workshop in San Francisco

internal a heavyset man in a sailor outfit sitting on the deck of a ship with a pipe in his mouth. There is a largebirthday cake in his lap
January 16, 2024

The Commons Turns 16!


Future-proofing the digital museum

George will be keynoting the MCG Museums+Tech 2023 conference in London.

external an illustration of Montevideo from a digitzed book
Flickypedia Alpha!

GLAM Wiki Conference

George & Alex head to Montevideo for the annual GLAM-Wiki meeting to share progress on Flickypedia

22 May 2023

100-year plan at Oxford Internet Institute

Gathering interdisciplinary graduates and researchers to the Oxford Internet Institute to discuss what should or could be in a plan like this.

31 March 2023

Digitisation Leadership Event

Discussing the UK government's investment in digital heritage with the National Lottery Heritage Fund.