Canadian Olympic figure skating champion Barbara Ann Scott gets married in Toronto

Title card: "Barbara Ann Scott a bride - skate queen weds in Toronto" / two shots of Scott walking towards car on arm of family friend Charles Lindsay / Scott getting into car / crowd outside church awaiting her arrival / Scott getting out of car / Scott walking towards church on arm of Lindsay / overhead shot of Lindsay walking down aisle inside church / Scott kneeling at altar with groom Tom King / King signing church register as Scott looks on / Scott signing register / bride and groom posing for photo opportunity / bride and groom kiss one another / Note: exact day not known
Title card: "Barbara Ann Scott a bride - skate queen weds in Toronto" / two shots of Scott walking towards car on arm of family friend Charles Lindsay / Scott getting into car / crowd outside church awaiting her arrival / Scott getting out of car / Scott walking towards church on arm of Lindsay / overhead shot of Lindsay walking down aisle inside church / Scott kneeling at altar with groom Tom King / King signing church register as Scott looks on / Scott signing register / bride and groom posing for photo opportunity / bride and groom kiss one another / Note: exact day not known

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Editorial #:
Sherman Grinberg Library
Date created:
September 01, 1955
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Release info:
Not released. More information
Clip length:
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Mastered to:
QuickTime 10-bit ProRes 422 (HQ) HD 1920x1080 23.98p
Originally shot on:
35mm B/W Neg
Sherman Grinberg Library
Object name: