Prince George of England and Princess Marina of Greece riding in coaches to their wedding in Westminster Abbey in London

Title card: "Royal lovers wed" / Life Guards riding horses escort the Irish State Coach, bearing King George V and Queen Mary, through gate in front of Buckingham Palace / coach carrying Prince George, Duke of Kent, rolls past camera / Life Guards riding horses escort coach carrying Princess Marina through gate in front of Buckingham Palace / wide, overhead shot of Life Guards on horses riding past Victoria Memorial and down The Mall, crowd watching / coach carrying George rolls past camera, crowd waving and cheering / people in crowd; one woman uses a mirror to get a view / coach carrying Marina rolls past camera, crowd waving and cheering / coach carrying George rolls past grandstand and pulls up in front of entrance to Westminster Abbey / George, not visible, getting out of coach / coach carrying Marina rolls past grandstand and pulls up on front of entrance to Abbey / Marina, not visible, getting out of coach / Note: film has nitrate deterioration
Title card: "Royal lovers wed" / Life Guards riding horses escort the Irish State Coach, bearing King George V and Queen Mary, through gate in front of Buckingham Palace / coach carrying Prince George, Duke of Kent, rolls past camera / Life Guards riding horses escort coach carrying Princess Marina through gate in front of Buckingham Palace / wide, overhead shot of Life Guards on horses riding past Victoria Memorial and down The Mall, crowd watching / coach carrying George rolls past camera, crowd waving and cheering / people in crowd; one woman uses a mirror to get a view / coach carrying Marina rolls past camera, crowd waving and cheering / coach carrying George rolls past grandstand and pulls up in front of entrance to Westminster Abbey / George, not visible, getting out of coach / coach carrying Marina rolls past grandstand and pulls up on front of entrance to Abbey / Marina, not visible, getting out of coach / Note: film has nitrate deterioration

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Editorial #:
Sherman Grinberg Library
Date created:
November 29, 1934
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Release info:
Not released. More information
Clip length:
London, United Kingdom
Mastered to:
QuickTime 10-bit ProRes 422 (HQ) HD 1920x1080 23.98p
Originally shot on:
35mm B/W Neg
Sherman Grinberg Library
Object name: