David Cameron gives first interview of 2012

David Cameron gives first interview of 2012; ENGLAND: Herefordshire: Hereford: INT David Cameron MP (Prime Minister) interview SOT - (when will the recovery begin) The economy grew last year and the forecasts are for growth this year, we have made the government forecasting organisation totally independent of government so we cannot interfere with it's forecasts at all - the government will do two things, we will provide the stable framework that business needs deliver our plan for getting on top on the debts and the deficit because that keeps interest rates lower and low interest rates is the best and biggest stimulus we can give to business and jobs in Britain, and the second thing is to take every step we can as a 'sleeves rolled up government' everything we can do to make it easier for businesses to take people on and expand this government will do - (do you except that if it doesn't turn around you could be a one term Prime Minister) I accept we face a very difficult economic situation not just in this country but right across Europe - (will you carry on with the cuts even if you become so unpopular that you risk being a one term Prime Minister) this is a duty i have got to try and do the right thing to help our economy recover I would rather be a one term Prime Minister who does the right thing rather than a two term Prime Minister who does the wrong thing - (an ITV index poll say's two thirds of British people say if the economy doesn't pick up soon they would want you to reverse some of the cuts) I think it would be the wrong thing to do the effect wouldn't be the relief that people seek but that international markets would question Britains credit worthiness and to see our interest rates going up to levels you see in other countries around Europe that would be the worst thing for growth and for business and for investment
David Cameron gives first interview of 2012; ENGLAND: Herefordshire: Hereford: INT David Cameron MP (Prime Minister) interview SOT - (when will the recovery begin) The economy grew last year and the forecasts are for growth this year, we have made the government forecasting organisation totally independent of government so we cannot interfere with it's forecasts at all - the government will do two things, we will provide the stable framework that business needs deliver our plan for getting on top on the debts and the deficit because that keeps interest rates lower and low interest rates is the best and biggest stimulus we can give to business and jobs in Britain, and the second thing is to take every step we can as a 'sleeves rolled up government' everything we can do to make it easier for businesses to take people on and expand this government will do - (do you except that if it doesn't turn around you could be a one term Prime Minister) I accept we face a very difficult economic situation not just in this country but right across Europe - (will you carry on with the cuts even if you become so unpopular that you risk being a one term Prime Minister) this is a duty i have got to try and do the right thing to help our economy recover I would rather be a one term Prime Minister who does the right thing rather than a two term Prime Minister who does the wrong thing - (an ITV index poll say's two thirds of British people say if the economy doesn't pick up soon they would want you to reverse some of the cuts) I think it would be the wrong thing to do the effect wouldn't be the relief that people seek but that international markets would question Britains credit worthiness and to see our interest rates going up to levels you see in other countries around Europe that would be the worst thing for growth and for business and for investment

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Date created:
January 05, 2012
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