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Cambridge Global Food Security

An Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge

Read more at: The Mandala Consortium: transforming urban food systems
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The Mandala Consortium: transforming urban food systems

2 July 2021

The MRC Epidemiology Unit at the University of Cambridge is leading one of four multi-million pound interdisciplinary research programmes awarded funding in 2021 to support the transformation of the UK food system. The research is being funded through the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Strategic Priorities Fund (SPF) ...

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Vigilance is key to fighting wheat disease

16 July 2024

As the proportion of populations going hungry in parts of Asia and Africa continues to rise, so preventing the reduction of harvests of cereal crops due to fungal diseases, remains a top challenge for governments and food agencies around the world. Two new publications from member of Epidemiology and Modelling in the...

Meet Tejas Rao

31 May 2024

Tejas Rao completed his undergraduate studies in Arts and Law at the Gujarat National Law University in India, after which he came to Cambridge to read for the Masters in Law, with a specialisation in International Law. After a year gathering research and teaching experience in International Law and Public Policy, with a...

EVENT REPORT: Research Symposium - Sustainable and Healthy Food Production

19 April 2024

This interdisciplinary research symposium organised with Cambridge Zero took place on Thursday 21st March 2024 at the West Hub in Cambridge. The symposium's focus was how our complex food system can become more sustainable. The symposium's speakers addressed the issues of food system sustainability from multiple...


Global food security is a major research priority for UK and international science.

Cambridge Global Food Security is a virtual centre at the University of Cambridge. We promote an interdisciplinary approach to addressing the challenge of ensuring all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and preferences for an active and healthy life. 

Please contact the Programme Manager D.ssa Francesca Re Manning to request information, share information, or join our mailing list.