10 Random Acts of Kindness Ideas Under $10

Performing random acts of kindness for those around you is an easy way of spreading joy. With so much going on in the world, we can all play a small part in brightening someone else’s day. The best part? You don’t have to spend a lot of time or money to make a difference in someone’s day. While Random Acts of Kindness Day happens annually on February 17, these ideas can still be incorporated into your everyday routine all year long.

1. Pay it forward with old books

If you have any old books that are starting to collect dust and take up space, don’t just throw them away. Instead, donate them to a school or charity in your area. More often than not, teachers buy school supplies for their classrooms with their own money, including books. By paying it forward with your old books, you can support a child’s education. Want to make an even greater impact? Support a charity that aims to provide children with the necessary resources for quality education. 

2. Pick up trash

Looking for examples of small, random acts of kindness that are super easy to do? You might be surprised that it’s as simple as throwing away any trash you see while you’re out in public. While you’re taking a stroll or enjoying lunch outside, be on the lookout for any pieces of trash. We can all do our part in keeping our communities litter-free. Take it a step further by supporting a charity that does great work to protect the environment. People may even see you making the effort and follow your lead.

Related: Check out this list of the best environmental charities to donate to on GoFundMe

3. Help out at a local animal shelter

Of all the acts of kindness ideas, this one is the most fun and adorable, especially if you’re an animal lover. Spend your free time volunteering at a local animal shelter that could use additional hands. Volunteering even goes beyond providing in-person help at your local animal shelter. Other ways to volunteer include being an advocate for policies that protect animals, helping with pet adoption events, and fostering an animal before they find their forever home. Getting involved—no matter how big or small the act—can help animals in need live happy and healthy lives. 

4. Donate $5 to a neighbor’s GoFundMe 

Making a donation to a neighbor’s fundraiser is an example of kindness that can be done anywhere at any time from your phone or computer. It’s also a surefire way to bring a smile to your neighbor’s face. Even just a $5 donation can go a long way in showing support and care to a neighbor in need. All you have to do is go to GoFundMe’s Search page and click “Near you” to find a fundraiser in your community. Your donation is covered by the GoFundMe Giving Guarantee in which we guarantee you a full refund in the rare case something isn’t right. 

5. Donate your hair to a child in need

Next time you get a haircut, ask your stylist to chop off your long ponytail in one fell swoop so that you can donate your hair to a child in need. Locks of Love is a charity that aims to instill confidence and normality in children who are suffering from medical hair loss due to alopecia, burns, chemotherapy, or other conditions. The organization accepts a minimum of 10 inches of hair to create free hairpieces for children. While a hairpiece isn’t a cure, your thoughtful hair donation to Locks of Love helps a child regain their self-esteem and brings a sense of normalcy to their life.

6. Help seniors with groceries

For our elderly neighbors, it can be hard for them to carry groceries, let alone go to the grocery store. Help the seniors in your community by offering to carry their groceries. This act of kindness will save time and energy for your elderly neighbors, and they’ll appreciate having their kitchen restocked with fresh food. Apart from this, when a natural disaster strikes, affected communities need urgent resources, including food. Help these communities rebuild by supporting a disaster relief charity doing work on the ground. 

7. Tutor children in your area

Do you have a favorite subject that you’re knowledgeable about? Whether it be science, math, or history, use your expertise in a subject to help tutor kids in your community for free. With the cost of school supplies and extracurricular activities, a child’s education can add up for families. By offering free tutoring, families will appreciate one less expense, especially considering how expensive tutoring programs can be. You can even get involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters of America’s school-based mentoring program that provides guidance to students to help them reach their potential.  

Donate to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America

8. Send a letter to a service member

A simple “Thank you for your service” can go a long way for our deployed troops. Let a service member who is overseas know how much you appreciate them by sending them a letter. While this may seem like a small gesture, your words of gratitude and kindness can help motivate service members during their deployment. A heartfelt letter filled with well-wishes can also be written for veterans. Transitioning to life after service can be challenging for veterans so a handwritten letter of positivity and support can make a meaningful impact.

Related: The best veterans charities to donate to on GoFundMe

9. Leave a snack for your delivery driver

Whether it’s a package or a food order, delivery drivers work hard each and every day to get us our items. Throughout their shift they make multiple stops, often coming and going without notice. Bring joy to their day by leaving them a thank-you note and treat. Personalize your message of appreciation to highlight how their delivery service makes life easier and more convenient for you and be sure to mention that the treat is for them. When it comes to choosing a treat, it doesn’t have to be anything big. Something as simple as a candy bar, small bag of chips, or a can or bottled beverage will make their day. 

10. Send your friend a thoughtful text

One text with a simple message such as “hi NAME, I want to say I appreciate you and hope you’re having a great day!” is a quick and easy way to have a huge impact on your friend’s day. Even if you haven’t spoken to them in a few days or weeks, this simple message will surely bring a smile to their day.

Try one of these random acts of kindness examples today

Being kind doesn’t require you to purchase an elaborate gift- in fact, it’s a practice that’s so simple that it can be integrated into your daily routine. Radiate positivity into your community by giving these act of kindness examples a try. Go above and beyond to help even more people by making a donation to a GoFundMe in your community. From offering in-person help to making an online donation, all examples of random acts of kindness help make the world a better place.