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Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission

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The untold story of how the 9/11 Commission overcame partisanship and bureaucracy to produce its acclaimed report.

From the beginning, the 9/11 Commission found itself facing obstacles — the Bush administration blocked its existence for months, the first co-chairs resigned right away, the budget was limited, and a polarized Washington was suspicious of its every request. Yet despite these long odds, the Commission produced a bestselling report unanimously hailed for its objectivity, along with a set of recommendations that led to the most significant reform of America’s national security agencies in decades. This is a riveting insider’s account of Washington at its worst — and its best.

374 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2006

About the author

Thomas H. Kean

11 books1 follower

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5,417 reviews10 followers
July 21, 2024

The "National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States" consisted of five Democrats and five Republicans, and lasted from November 2002 until its final report was issued in August 2004 (shortly before the 2004 election). Arguably having been "set up to fail," the Republicans had wanted it to last for only one year (Pg. 20), and initially allocated only a paltry $3 million for it. The Bush administration strongly resisted having National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice testify under oath in public, although she ultimately did (Pg. 110).

Among other things, the Report revealed how the inability of the FBI and CIA to share information hampered intelligence-gathering; how two of the hijackers known to the CIA had lived openly under their own names for several months; how an FBI memo warned that the matter of Arab men receiving flight school training needed to be looked into; and how Zacarias Moussaoui had been arrested in Minnesota just weeks before 9/11, and "described as a terrorist suspect with an interest in flight training." (Pg. 16)

It also pointed out the "massive intelligence failure" in assessing Iraq's prewar weapons of mass destruction, as "American forces occupying Iraq found none of the predicted stockpiles of chemical or biological weapons." (Pg. 129) It strongly criticizes the FAA passenger screening, as not only "permeable," but "aimed at keeping bombs out of baggage, not at keeping planes from being turned into guided missiles." (Pg. 138) National terrorism coordinator Richard Clarke (whose book Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror came out during the hearings) argued in his testimony that "President Bush and his top advisers had not taken terrorism seriously before 9/11." (Pg. 154)

The Commission was dismissive of "conspiracy theories" (Pg. 252-255), concluding that after their actions (such as clearing up "inconsistencies in the FAA and NORAD accounts of 9/11"), "Those who chose to continue believing conspiracy theories now had to rely solely on imagination, their theories having been disproved by facts." (Pg. 268) [Which 9/11 "Truthers" dispute; see David Ray Griffin's The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions, for example.]

The report itself is available ('The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States'). Another useful book is 'The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation.'
Profile Image for Rachel.
1,351 reviews15 followers
June 19, 2018
While I wouldn't have chosen this book, it was recommended at my library, and I ended up enjoying it. it's more a discussion of the history around the commission: how it came to be, how it worked, etc, than a recounting of the commission's findings.
Written by the two chairmen of the commission, the book reveals a lot of the background behind things that were done or not done, and why.
Profile Image for Kelly Lemieux.
Author 17 books6 followers
October 30, 2022
To quote myself, from the Rocky Mountain News book department over 15 years ago, this book "Unveils the Herculean efforts to delve into the massive strata of the Federal apparatus...a fascinating read." It reveals one of the foreign plots against the US (past tense, hopefully.)
Profile Image for Jessica.
100 reviews
June 9, 2024
Very interesting behind the scenes look at the 9/11 Commission, and brought back a lot of the emotion around the attack.
Profile Image for Ushan.
801 reviews75 followers
December 28, 2010
The USAF originally gave an incorrect timeline of events to the commission, but when the commission gave it its own timeline, the USAF agreed with it; the commission did not pursue the question, where the original wrong timeline came from. Do these idiots realize that when they do the CYA routine, they pour water on the mills of conspiracy theorists?
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2,195 reviews
October 11, 2008
973.931 K How the commission was created, how the information was found to come up with the conclusions it reached written by the two heads of the commission. Thoughtful and interesting
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378 reviews
October 13, 2011
Kean & Hamilton take you behind the scenes of the 9/11 Commission. They don't dish the dirt, & bureaucratic minutia is heavy, but it is an interesting account.
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