They say good things come to those who wait.

For Genna Brown, her wish to enjoy a ride on a horse and carriage was finally granted last week... as she turned 106-years-old.

The Gorleston woman celebrated her birthday on Tuesday, June 4, with a jaunt around the town, finally ticking the activity off her bucket list.

The ride was arranged by her carers, One to One Homecare, which is based on Gorleston High Street, and it was provided free-of-charge by local man Shane Docwra.

Genna Brown was taken on a ride on a horse and carriage around Gorleston to celebrate her 106th birthday. Genna Brown was taken on a ride on a horse and carriage around Gorleston to celebrate her 106th birthday. (Image: Supplied)

On the day, he collected Ms Brown from her home and brought her to the care agency's branch on High Street, where carers and locals were waiting to wave to her as she came down the road.

The ride was followed by a tea and cake party.

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Genna Brown enjoyed tea and cake for her 106th birthday in Gorleston. Genna Brown enjoyed tea and cake for her 106th birthday in Gorleston. (Image: Supplied)

Aleyna Smith, care coordinator, said: "She really felt like a queen that day and it was truly deserved.

"Genna had such a lovely overwhelming unexpected day."

The care agency had also asked the local community through social media and word of mouth to send a birthday card.

Ms Brown received 124 handmade cards from the local Brownies and Guides.