Norfolk Police has forked out £1,500 in legal fees after parking fine crusaders supported a man who was wrongly prosecuted for parking in Great Yarmouth.

Gary Davies was slapped with a £40 parking fine after leaving his car in an unregulated area outside St George's Theatre on Yarmouth Way last February.

The area was "decriminalised" for parking offences and the police admitted that the force should never have pursued Mr Davies for a fine.

After Mr Davies contested the prosecution notice, Norfolk Constabulary dropped the charge, apologised for the blunder and compensated £1,500 to cover Mr Davies' legal fees.

Lothingland councillor and parking charge notice expert Ivan Murray-Smith.Lothingland councillor and parking charge notice expert Ivan Murray-Smith. (Image: Submitted) Backing Mr Davies was Lothingland councillor Ivan Murray-Smith and retired corporate lawyer Ian Fagelson who began contact with the wronged driver shortly after he was served the prosecution notice.

Mr Murray-Smith, who has been described as a parking charge notice expert, said Norfolk Constabulary bungled the process as there was no signage indicating Mr Davies could not park his vehicle on Yarmouth Way nor was the force responsible for processing such parking claims.

"Virtually every parking area in the country is now looked after by the local authorities rather than the police," said Mr Murray-Smith.

"People want the police to focus on policing matters - not parking offences."

READ MORE: Great Yarmouth theatre's £10k clampdown on nuisance parking

The outside of St George's Park has long faced issues around parking.The outside of St George's Park has long faced issues around parking. (Image: Google) Supported by Mr Murray-Smith and retired corporate lawyer Ian Fagelson, Mr Davies pleaded not guilty when his case was sent to Great Yarmouth Magistrates' in December. 

The matter was to be sent to trial in May, but the police dropped the prosecution in January.

Police traffic justice manager Phil Payne has apologised, adding that the force accepted "it should not have initiated proceedings as parking was decriminalised at this location some considerable time prior".

Mr Payne added that parking enforcement at this location is a "civil matter to be dealt with by the local authority".

Retired corporate lawyer Ian Fagleson.Retired corporate lawyer Ian Fagleson. (Image: Submitted) Mr Fagelson, who offers pro bono advice to people in legal situations, said Norfolk Constabulary's mishandling of the situation makes him fear other people may have been caught out.

"It was an important point of principle that needed to be established. 

"The police can't go around prosecuting members of the public for things that aren't crimes."

For advice on contesting parking claims, visit