By Neha Yadav
Published Jun 26, 2024

Hindustan Times

Photo Credits: Unsplash

Mango season peak: 4 mango foods, drinks to savour this summer

Mango is an excellent and flavourful summer fruit. Here are some tasty mango foods and drinks you can savour this season.

Aam Panna

Aam Panna, also known as Aam Jhora is a tasty and refreshing drink prepared from raw mangoes. It is excellent for hydrating your body and preventing heat-related problems.

Mango pickle

This season is perfect for preparing mango pickles using raw pickles infused with various spices. Store this pickle in a glass or ceramic jar and savour it throughout the year.

Mango lassi

Mango lassi is another refreshing and tasty drink prepared by blending yogurt with chopped ripe mangoes.

Mango ice cream

Beat the summer heat by preparing mango ice cream and serving it to your friends and family at home.