By Khushi Pal
Published Jun 25, 2024

Hindustan Times

Photo Credits: Pexels

Post makeup skincare routine: 5 tips to follow

Removing makeup at the end of the day and nourishing your skin is essential. Here are five steps to include in your post-makeup skincare routine.

Remove makeup

Apply makeup remover or micellar water on a cotton wipe and gently wipe off the makeup. 

 Cleanse skin

Gently wash and cleanse your face with a face wash to help remove any makeup residue. 


Exfoliating your face is essential, as it helps remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. Use a face scrub suitable for your skin type. 

Apply serum

Serums contain hyaluronic or glycolic acids, which help prevent dryness, unclog pores, and hydrate the skin. 


Lastly, moisturise your skin to help create a protective barrier against dryness. Moisturising helps rejuvenate and hydrate the skin.