By Ada Kohli
Published Jun 21, 2023

Hindustan Times

Tips To Save Money While Studying Abroad

Studying abroad can be expensive. Here are some tips for students to save money while studying overseas

Look for free entertainment

Explore the city you are going to study in and look for free entertainment options like sightseeing, enjoying a picnic with friends, going to a beach and more

Utilise public libraries and common spaces

Utilise public libraries and common spaces to study as it will save you a large sum of money spent on electricity and wifi bills that you would otherwise incur

Part-time work

Depending on the intensity of your course and visa conditions, you can opt to work part-time while studying abroad to earn some extra money to meet your expenses

Learn to cook

Buying meals from outside or eating at restaurants regularly can be very expensive overseas. Instead, learn to cook as it reduces extra expense on food and keeps you healthy

Maximise student discounts

Get an International Student ID Card (ISIC) to avail discounts on public transportation, admission activities, shopping and more