We’re driving the growth of the Humber economy for the benefits of our communities in the four local authority areas of Hull, East Riding, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire.

We have an unprecedented opportunity to improve the fortunes of the Humber region and have identified three key ambitions that will help us and those working with us to help the Humber achieve lasting growth and prosperity:

A skilled and productive workforce
A skilled and productive workforce
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Thriving successful businesses
Thriving successful businesses
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An infrastructure that supports growth
An infrastructure that supports growth
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As our name suggests we are a partnership so we lead on the strategy to maximise the opportunities in the Humber and collaborate with those best placed to deliver key programmes and projects to achieve the ambitions.

As the lead agency for the Humber economic strategy we collaborate with local businesses small, medium and large, local authorities, education and training providers and central government through our staff and our board, sub boards, working groups and consultation workshops.

To support the activity we bid for funding, the devolution of powers and lobby for infrastructure support and policy change that can help to break down the barriers to growth.

Our economic plan and investment plan is backed by business, local authorities, education and central government as well as being supported by securing funding and devolution of powers through the Hull and Humber City Deal and our Growth Deal.

We have an unprecedented opportunity in the Humber in energy and renewables, more specifically in the offshore wind sector linked to our location close to 80 per cent of the southern North Sea wind farms and having a large amount of portside development land. Energy is one of our priority sectors alongside Ports and Logistics, Chemicals, Engineering manufacture, Food, Digital and Visitor Economy.

The Humber LEP’s Board and sub-boards take decisions about the LEP’s work.

Our corporate policies explain how we do things and what you can expect of us.

There are many ways to get involved with our work and contribute to our decisions.

Any vacancies we have will be advertised on this page.

To view the register of interests for each board, please see the sidebar under each board on the ‘Our Boards’...

The LEP’s Assurance Framework, produced in accordance with the National Assurance Framework for LEPs.

The Humber LEP is committed to operating in a transparent way so anyone can understand what we do, the decisions we make and how we make them.

Our Board agrees an Annual Delivery Plan which outlines the activities, investments and outputs that will be delivered in the forthcoming year.

The Humber LEP has covered the four local authority areas of Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, North East Lincolnshire and...

The LEP Board, Sub-Boards and LEP Employees are required to declare any gifts and hospitality worth £25 or over which...