The Humber LEP invests in education and training providers’ facilities to ensure that learners have access to a quality learning environment that supports the delivery of the skills our economy needs.

The LEP has so far invested in five projects through the Hull & Humber City Deal and three projects through the Growth Deal.  You can find out more about the individual projects in our Projects section.

Future funding for skills capital

From April 2015 the Government has transferred the skills capital budget, previously managed by the Skills Funding Agency, to LEPs via the Local Growth Fund.

The Humber LEP will continue to seek to secure skills capital funding from Government through the Growth Deals process and any others which may be introduced.  Providers in the York, North Yorkshire & East Riding and Greater Lincolnshire LEP areas should be aware that our overlapping LEPs can also access this funding.

Humber skills capital funding

Construction and Civil Engineering call

The Humber LEP wishes to develop a call for a skills capital programme for construction and civil engineering across the region.  This will attract up to approximately £2.5m capital investment to deliver a collaborative resource solution to support training delivery that meets employer need and would need to be delivered by March 2021 latest. Read the presentation from the event on 29th November.

Maintenance funds

The Humber LEP has allocated £1.055m Round 2 Growth Deal funding for a skills capital maintenance programme.  This will unlock projects that have the potential to increase skills delivery that will drive the skills profile of the region delivering tangible student outcomes, through providing additional investment that would enhance a provider’s own investment in their estate.

The programme is currently profiled to start in 2020/21 and the application process for this will be announced in due course.

Skills capital programme (Growth Deal 3)

The Humber LEP put forward a bid for skills capital funding as part of its Growth Deal 3 submission in July 2016.

The proposed programme contains five themes:

  • Virtual Learning
  • Engineering
  • Maritime
  • Construction
  • Health and Social Care

The themes were developed through an open expression of interest process.

Following panel review of the project expressions of interest each potential project is working up the outline business case as per the LEP Assurance Framework.

Future opportunities for skills capital (Project Pipeline)

The LEP’s Employment & Skills Board is in the process of developing a pipeline of potential future skills capital projects.  These may be considered for future funding opportunities.

At this stage the LEP is not seeking expressions of interest for small maintenance projects.  These will be considered separately as part of the Maintenance programme.


A skilled and productive workforce
A skilled and productive workforce
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