The LEP has an agreed Business Engagement Strategy which sets out how it engages with business.

The aim of the strategy is to deliver a strong, credible and collective voice for Humber businesses – both in the LEP and for the region, and in collaboration across Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and the North.  This helps the LEP to make informed decisions and ensures it can speak credibly for all businesses.

The principles of the strategy are:

  • Led by business – business speaking to business
  • Engaging with all sizes of business; corporate, SME and micro
  • Getting to key influencers and those with expertise
  • Collaborating for maximum reach and impact
  • Avoiding fragmentation

The strategy can be viewed in the diagram below:

LEP Business Engagement Strategy

LEP Business Engagement Strategy (click to expand)

Businesses looking to engage with the LEP’s work are welcome to contact us.