The Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) is our overarching plan for growth through to 2020, setting the overall context and priorities for other more detailed plans and strategies that help to achieve our three key ambitions for the Humber.

The priorities in the plan were drawn from local consultation, as well as independent reviews we have commissioned – the report of our Skills Commission and the University of Hull’s Humber Competitiveness Review.

The SEP and accompanying documents were submitted to Government on 31 March 2014 as part of our first Growth Deal proposals.

Our SEP focuses on three key ambitions.  Follow the links below to find out how we’re working on these with our partners.

A skilled and productive workforce
A skilled and productive workforce
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Thriving successful businesses
Thriving successful businesses
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An infrastructure that supports growth
An infrastructure that supports growth
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Some of the milestones to date in delivering our SEP include negotiating our three Growth Deals, publishing our Employment & Skills Strategy and enabling development to take place on our Enterprise Zones.

We report on our progress in delivering our SEP as part of the LEP’s annual review.

SEP Review

Our SEP Review was discussed at the LEP Board in September 2016. The Review reports on progress in delivering the SEP, chapter by chapter, and summarises changes in the Humber economy since 2014.

Industrial Strategy

The next phase in developing our strategy for the Humber will be a Local Industrial Strategy, in line with the Government’s Industrial Strategy White Paper.  Information on our work on this can be found on our Industrial Strategy page.

A skilled and productive workforce
A skilled and productive workforce
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An infrastructure that supports growth
An infrastructure that supports growth
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Thriving successful businesses
Thriving successful businesses
Read more
