Platoon (1986) Poster


Tom Berenger: Sgt. Barnes



  • Sgt. Barnes : Talking about killing? Y'all experts? Y'all know about killing? I'd like to hear about it, potheads.

    [takes pipe and inhales drag] 

    Sgt. Barnes : Why do you smoke this shit? So as to escape from reality? Me, I don't need this shit. I am reality. There's the way it ought to be. And there's the way it is. Elias was full of shit. Elias was a crusader. Now, I got no fight with any man who does what he's told, but when he don't, the machine breaks down. And when the machine breaks down, we break down. And I ain't gonna allow that in any of you. Not one.

    [hands pipe back and spits] 

    Sgt. Barnes : Y'all love Elias. Oh, you wanna kick ass. Yeah. Well, here I am, all by my lonesome, and ain't nobody gonna know. Six of you boys against me. Kill me. Huh. I shit on all of you.

  • Sgt. O'Neill : Bob, I got a bad feeling on this one, all right? I mean, I got a bad feeling. I don't think I'm gonna make it out of here. You understand what I'm saying to you?

    Sgt. Barnes : Everybody got to die sometime, Red.

  • Sgt. Barnes : Y'all take a good look at this lump of shit. Remember what it looks like. You fuck up in a firefight and I goddamn guarantee you a trip out of the bush in a body bag! Out here, assholes, you keep your shit wired tight at all times!

    [to Taylor] 

    Sgt. Barnes : And that goes for you, shit-for-brains. You don't sleep on no fucking ambush!

    [to Junior] 

    Sgt. Barnes : And the next son of a bitch I catch copping "Z"s in the bush, I'm personally gonna take an interest in seeing him suffer. I shit you not. Doc, tag him and bag him.

  • Sgt. Barnes : Death? What do you all know about death?

  • Sgt. Barnes : Shut up! Shut up and take the pain! Take the pain!

  • Sgt. Barnes : Martin, get your boots on. And the next time I catch you spraying skeeter repellent on your fucking feet, I'm gonna court-martial your nigger ass.

    Junior : Well, then court-martial me, motherfucker! Bust my ass. Send me to fucking Long Binh! You do your fucking worst! You white folks have got your last klick out of Junior!

    Sgt. Barnes : O'Neill, get me that centipede.

    Sgt. O'Neill : Sergeant?

    Sgt. Barnes : Yeah, that long, hairy, red and black bastard I found in the ammo crate. I'm gonna put it in this boy's crotch, see if he can walk.

    Sgt. O'Neill : I remember now.

  • Sgt. Barnes : Elias was full of shit. Elias was a crusader. Now, I got no fight with any man who does what he's told, but when he don't, the machine breaks down. And when the machine breaks down, we break down. And I ain't gonna allow that in any of you. Not one.

  • Sgt. Barnes : [to Lt. Wolfe after giving wrong target grid for mortar-fire]  You ignorant asshole! What the fuck coordinates you giving? You wasted a lot of people up there with your fucked-up fire mission! You know that? You know that? Ah, shit!

  • [after the final battle, Taylor picks up an AK-47 and encounters a wounded Barnes] 

    Sgt. Barnes : Get me a medic. Go on, boy!

    [Taylor refuses to budge, and aims the AK-47 at Barnes] 

    Sgt. Barnes : Do it.

    [Taylor shoots Barnes three times, killing him] 

  • Sgt. Barnes : You don't tell me how to run my war, Elias! Now you go cryin' and rat-fuckin' the brigade on your own time, but out here, you belong to me! Now move!

    Sgt. Elias : You're an asshole, Barnes.

  • Sgt. Barnes : You're dead, Elias! I swear to fuckin' God, you're dead!

    Sgt. Elias : You're gonna do time in LBJ! This shit won't wash, you fucking puke!

  • [During the interrogation of a village chief after the platoon finds hidden weapons] 

    Pvt. Gator Lerner : Says they had no choice. Says the NVA killed the old honcho when he said no. Now he says all the rice is theirs.

    Sgt. Barnes : Oh, bullshit, Lerner.

  • Sgt. O'Neill : Guy's in three years, he thinks he's Jesus fucking Christ or something.

    Sgt. Barnes : O'Neill, your short-timers stay in, but you go out. I need veterans out there.

    [walks away, Wolf follows] 

    Lt. Wolf : Sergeant Barnes. Sergeant. I think, in front of the men, it's necessary for me to give the orders.

    Sgt. Barnes : [intimidatingly moves in close]  Yes sir.

  • Sgt. Barnes : Yo! Saddle up! Lock and load!

  • Sgt. Barnes : Boy, what you waiting for? Ain't gonna bite you. That's a good gook. Good and dead.

  • Lt. Wolf : Two-five-two actual. Move it out. Six says we're jamming them up back there. Over.

    Sgt. Barnes : Tell that dipshit to get unfucked.

    Lt. Wolf : [to the radio]  This is Two-Five, be advised. We're moving out shortly. Out.

    Sgt. Barnes : [to Chris]  What the hell's the matter with you, Taylor? You are one simple son of a bitch.

  • Sgt. Elias : Barnes! Barnes! What the fuck do you think you're doing?

    Sgt. Barnes : Stay out of this, Elias. This ain't your show.

    Sgt. Elias : You ain't a firing squad, you piece of shit.

    [Elias and Barnes fight, the others try to stop them from fighting] 

    Sgt. Barnes : You're dead, Elias! I swear to fucking God, you're dead!

  • Sgt. Barnes : [In the foxhole Barnes checks the soles of Junior's bare feet. Bunny and O'Neill looking on. Junior is moaning as if he's dying, overdoing it by a mile]  So what's the problem?

    Sgt. O'Neill : Says he can't walk.

    Sgt. Barnes : Shit. Get your boots on Martin, next time I catch you putting mosquito repellant on your fuckin feet I'm gonna courtmartial your nigger ass.

    Junior : [cracks]  DEN COURTMARTIAL ME MOTHERFUCKAH, bust my ass, send me to Long Binh, do your worst but I ain't walking no more. De white man done got his last klik outta me. Get some chuck dude to hump this shit.

    Sgt. Barnes : [suddenly soft]  Get me that centipede, O'Neill.

    [O'Neill is puzzled. What centipede?] 

    Sgt. O'Neill : Sarge?

    Sgt. Barnes : Yeah. That long hairy orange and black bastard I found in the ammo crate. I'm gonna put it in this asshole's crotch, see if he can walk.

    [Junior's eyes bulge with suspicion and sudden terror, his demeanor totally alert now] 

    Sgt. O'Neill : [understanding]  Oh yeah, right away Sarge.

    Junior : No! Wait! I'll walk, fuck you, I'll walk, I don't need this shit! I don't need this shit!

    Bunny : Fucking pussy, fuck it Sarge, I gotta have him on my hole?

  • Pvt. Gator Lerner : He swears he doesn't know anything. He hates the NVA but they come whenever they want. They just take what the... .

    Sgt. Barnes : What's the bitch sayin'?

    Pvt. Gator Lerner : I don't know. She's going on about, why do we have to kill their farmers and their pigs. They gotta make a living. All that kind of shit.

    Sgt. Barnes : Jesus!

  • Sgt. Barnes : You get Crawford in now, before I Article 15 both your asses. Move! Move it.

  • Sgt. Barnes : Elias is a water-walker, like them politicians in Washington trying to fight this war with one hand tied around their balls. Ain't no need or time for a courtroom out here.

  • Sgt. Barnes : We need every swinging dick in the field, and you know that.

  • Sgt. Barnes : That cocksucker knows what I'm saying! He understands. Don't you, pop?

    Ace : Goddamn right he does.

  • Sgt. Barnes : [after the platoon discovers a horribly murdered colleague]  The motherfuckers.

See also

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