Always Connected.

Vessel Tracking

Improve Performance and Operations Through Accurate, Detailed Vessel Tracking

Understanding where your vessel is and tracking its route to its destination are critical to its efficient operation

KVH’s versatile Vessel Tracking Service delivers the detailed and up-to-date historical track and position data you need, at any time, and from any Internet-connected device through the secure KVH Manager suite of tools.

With Premium Tracking enabled, view your vessel’s track for any hour, day, week, or month within the past year’s use of an active KVH TracNet or TracPhone terminal. Vessel position is updated as frequently as every 90 seconds,* resulting in a highly detailed track. In addition to an on-map display of your track, enjoy instant access to the Latest Position Report, which contains the latest known vessel position, and the Weekly Position Report, which contains the last eight days of all available vessel positions.


*Blockages or service outages may reduce this update rate

KVH Manager - Vessel Track

Benefits of Vessel Tracking

Icon - Reports


Use vessel position as part of your own internal reporting and management tools
Icon - Charting


Qualify for Pay-As-You-Sail licensing of maritime chart services
Icon - Insights


Provides a historical visual reference for investigating and reviewing vessel locations and events

A rich set of calendar and tracking tools with two tiers:

Basic Tracking

  • Complimentary in KVH Manager
  • 1 hour selection and 5 hours visibility of vessel position and track

Premium Tracking

  • Immediate access to up to a year of your vessel’s track history
  • Offers Latest Position and Weekly Position Reports
  • Automatic, secure generation of position reports
  • Available as a per month/per vessel upgrade