From the course: 32 Ways to Make Extra Money

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Analysis: Do you want to sell a product?

Analysis: Do you want to sell a product?

From the course: 32 Ways to Make Extra Money

Analysis: Do you want to sell a product?

- There are a lot of considerations in deciding what kind of money-making project is best for you. So as we go along, I want to highlight some different characteristics of each category of project. None is inherently better than any other. It really depends on the specific example, as well as your own goals. But each one has some pros and cons. So we just considered a number of stories about selling a product, from million dollar handkerchiefs to adventurous blankets and more. What do these stories have in common? Well, at least three of them were really big successes. I want you to understand that when I talk about ways to make extra money, we're not just talking about pocket change. This is especially true with the right e-commerce product. When they go big, they really go big. Crowdfunding also tends to work better for products than services. No one wants to crowdfund someone's reselling business model. Probably…
