From the course: 32 Ways to Make Extra Money

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Analysis: Is a service right for you?

Analysis: Is a service right for you?

From the course: 32 Ways to Make Extra Money

Analysis: Is a service right for you?

- So with a product, you have something that is going out the door, being handed off to the customer one way or another. Most of the examples I gave you are for physical products but a product could be digital as well. Now with a service, you are doing something for someone. It could be basic or complex, low end or high end. Whether it's cleaning a home or designing a 10 million dollar home for someone, it's a service. So in this chapter, you heard several stories about services including a guy who rents out his camera gear, over and over, a traveler who takes people on tours of Myanmar, and a woman who edits romance novels. There are lots of other examples. The key point is that with a service, you're doing something for someone. Consequently, a service business takes time and can sometimes be labor intensive. You're effectively trading time for money. So in one sense, a service doesn't produce passive income. Now that…
