From the course: 32 Ways to Make Extra Money

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Analysis: Pros and cons of reselling

Analysis: Pros and cons of reselling

From the course: 32 Ways to Make Extra Money

Analysis: Pros and cons of reselling

- What is the easiest side hustle you can jump into right away with little experience and little risk? It is reselling. The art of buying something at one price and selling it for another, preferably a higher one. Now reselling is how I got my start, approximately 100 years ago, I was in college, working in a warehouse, moving boxes in the middle of the night. I learned how to sell things on eBay, which was much better. That experience basically changed my life. I began to research where I could buy stuff from one place and then list it for sale and then do it over and over again. Now, over the 1,000 plus episodes of (mumbles) we featured a number of stories of people doing just that, in various ways. Including a few examples here in this chapter. So, let's talk about pros and cons. For reselling, the pros and cons are really simple. First up, reselling truly is the easiest business model to start right now. What I…
