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Cave productivity day

Cave productivity day

- In a world full of distractions, how do you get things done? One of the most effective methods is to find a way to shut yourself off from those distractions and focus on only one thing. This is easier said than done, so if you can help people make is happen you might be able to create a valuable service for yourself. - [Man] In this example three friends create an event series called Caveday, where you can crush your goals in a group coworking setting where everyone is cheering on your progress. It's a fun project that's also making money for them and they have a vision to take it to more cities. They're known as the productivity nannies, providing an environment that helps Cavedwellers, their customers, focus and get to work. So lets go on an excavation mission to see what we can take away from their experience. If you've ever been caught in the loop of checking your messages, then LinkedIn, then another network, then…
